Journal Information
Vol. 96. Issue S1.
Pages 1 (March - April 2020)
Vol. 96. Issue S1.
Pages 1 (March - April 2020)
Open Access
Current focus on infectious diseases in childhood
Enfoque atual das doenças infecciosas na infância
Renato S. Procianoy1
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
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Despite the significant decrease in child mortality in Brazil in recent decades, and the great advances in the immunization program, infectious diseases still occupy a prominent place among public health problems.

The mortality of Brazilian children under 5 years old decreased by 67.6% during a 25-year period, between 1990 and 2015; however, among the top ten causes of death in 2015, several infectious diseases still occupy a prominent place.1

The main component of under-5 mortality in children is neonatal mortality.1 In a recent estimate of causes of neonatal mortality involving four million deaths worldwide, infectious causes ranked first, accounting for 35% of the total.2

These data are already enough to justify the importance of choosing the topic of infection for the present supplement. Here we will address neonatal sepsis, septic shock, diarrhea, and encephalitis, which all are important causes of child mortality.

We did not forget the arbovirus infections and among them, the Zika virus, which caused a national epidemic of microcephaly, especially in the Brazilian Northeast region3; the community pneumonias, which, globally, are a frequent cause of under-5 mortality4; tuberculosis, which remains prevalent in our country5; and opportunistic infections, osteoarticular infections, and urinary tract infections,which are so frequently observed in outpatients.

We could not fail to address in an article the number one item of the “Choosing Wisely” campaign of the American Academy of Pediatrics: “Antibiotics should not be used for viral respiratory diseases” (sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, and bronchiolitis).6

Thus, I hope readers will enjoy this issue and get an update on the current focus on infectious diseases in childhood.

Conflicts of interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.

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Estimating the causes of 4 million neonatal deaths in the year 2000.
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Community acquired pneumonia in children.
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American Academy of Pediatrics. Ten things physicians and patients should question. [Cited 15 Nov 2019]. Available at:

Please cite this article as: Procianoy RS. Current focus on infectious diseases in childhood. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2020;96(S1):1.

Editor-in-Chief, Jornal de Pediatria, Brazil

Copyright © 2019. Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria
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