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Vol. 75. Issue 03.
Pages 167-171 (May - June 1999)
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Vol. 75. Issue 03.
Pages 167-171 (May - June 1999)
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Características de recém-nascidos portadores de hemoglobina
Flavia M.G.C. Bandeiraa, Mariana C. Lealb, Rafael R. Souzac, Veridiana C. Furtadod, &Ÿuml;ara M. Gomese, Neusa M. Marquesf
a Médica da Fundação HEMOPE, Mestre em Pediatria.
b Bolsista do PIBIC/CNPq/HEMOPE, aluna do quinto ano do curso de Medicina da UFPE.
c Bolsista do PIBIC/CNPq/HEMOPE, aluno do terceiro ano do curso de Medicina da UFPE.
d Biomédica, bolsista da FACEPE, Departamento de Imunologia do CPqAM/FIOCRUZ.
e Pesquisadora Titular do Departamento de Imunologia do Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhães CPqAM/FIOCRUZ, Doutora em Ciências.
f Profa. Adjunta do Departamento Materno Infantil da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco-UFPE, PhD em Medicina.
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To evaluate the prevalence of hemoglobin -S- (Hb -S-) in babies born at the Instituto Materno Infantil de Pernambuco (IMIP) and its occurrence according to sex, birth weight and Apgar score. Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional descriptive study of all babies born in the IMIP from October 1996 to March 1997. We used alkaline electrophoresis to analyze cord blood samples (1,988). Data for other variables were collected from medical reports. EPI-Info 6.0 was used to analyze the data. Results: We found 105 (5.3%) newborns with Hb -S-: 102 (5.1%.) as sickle cell trait (Hb -FAS-), and 3 (0.2%) as sickle cell disease (Hb -SC-). No cases of homozygosis were found. Newborns with and without Hb -S- did not differ in relation to sex, birth weight and Apgar score. Conclusions: We suggest the implementation of neonatal screening for hemoglobinopathies for all the newborns in Recife, Brazil, with further follow up focusing on genetic counseling for suspected and positive cases.


We carried out a cross-sectional descriptive study of all babies born in the IMIP from October 1996 to March 1997. We used alkaline electrophoresis to analyze cord blood samples (1,988). Data for other variables were collected from medical reports. EPI-Info 6.0 was used to analyze the data. Results: We found 105 (5.3%) newborns with Hb -S-: 102 (5.1%.) as sickle cell trait (Hb -FAS-), and 3 (0.2%) as sickle cell disease (Hb -SC-). No cases of homozygosis were found. Newborns with and without Hb -S- did not differ in relation to sex, birth weight and Apgar score. Conclusions: We suggest the implementation of neonatal screening for hemoglobinopathies for all the newborns in Recife, Brazil, with further follow up focusing on genetic counseling for suspected and positive cases.


We found 105 (5.3%) newborns with Hb -S-: 102 (5.1%.) as sickle cell trait (Hb -FAS-), and 3 (0.2%) as sickle cell disease (Hb -SC-). No cases of homozygosis were found. Newborns with and without Hb -S- did not differ in relation to sex, birth weight and Apgar score. Conclusions: We suggest the implementation of neonatal screening for hemoglobinopathies for all the newborns in Recife, Brazil, with further follow up focusing on genetic counseling for suspected and positive cases.


We suggest the implementation of neonatal screening for hemoglobinopathies for all the newborns in Recife, Brazil, with further follow up focusing on genetic counseling for suspected and positive cases.


Verificar a prevalência de Hemoglobina -S- (Hb -S-) em recém-nascidos (RN) no Instituto Materno Infantil de Pernambuco (IMIP) e sua ocorrência segundo o sexo, peso e Apgar.


Foram analisados 1.988 RN no período de outubro/96 a março/97 para detecção de Hb -S- em sangue de cordão umbilical através de eletroforese de Hb em pH acalino. Não houve nenhum critério de exclusão. Os dados sobre variáveis dos RN foram obtidos através de consulta aos prontuários médicos. A análise dos dados foi feita através do -software- EPI-INFO 6.0.


Foram encontrados 105 (5,3%) RN com presença de Hb -S-. Destes, 102 (5,1%) apresentavam-se na forma de traço falciforme (Hb -FAS-) e 3 (0,2%) sob a forma de doença falciforme (Hb -SC-). Não foi encontrado nenhum RN com homozigose para Hb -S-. Não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante entre os RN portadores ou não de Hb -S- quanto ao sexo, peso e Apgar.


Sugerimos a realização de triagem neonatal de hemoglobinopatias em todos os RN na cidade de Recife com posterior seguimento dos casos positivos e suspeitos e subseqüente aconselhamento genético às famílias acometidas.

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