Informação da revista
Vol. 71. Núm. 06.
Páginas 303-312 (novembro - dezembro 1995)
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Vol. 71. Núm. 06.
Páginas 303-312 (novembro - dezembro 1995)
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Morbidade por violência em crianças e adolescentes do município do Rio de Janeiro
Simone G. Assisa, Ednilsa R. Souzab
a Doutoranda e Pesquisadora Assistente do Departamento de Epidemiologia e Métodos Quantitativos em Saúde e do CLAVES da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública- ENSP/FIOCRUZ.
b Doutoranda e Pesquisadora Assistente do Departamento de Epidemiologia e Métodos Quantitativos em Saúde e do CLAVES da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública- ENSP/FIOCRUZ.
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Informação do artigo

An Analysis of police records was carried out in the Programatic Areas (Aps) of the city of Rio de Janeiro in 1990. 8000 non-fatal records were investigated, covering children and adolescents from 0 to 19 years old. These violents events were categorized as traffic accidents, physical abuse, robbery/theft and attempt of robbery/theft, sexual abuse, extortion/sequestration, threat, neglect-abandon, drugs use/traffic, and attempt of suicide/homicide. The aim of this paper is to identify the most frequent type of violence in the differents Aps. According to the findings, traffic accidents, physical abuse and robbery/theft are the most common violent events affecting, especially boys in 10 -19 age group. The APs 1 and 3.3 show the highest rates. The article concludes with difficulties and possibilities of dealing with violence in the health field, especially in the professional training.

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Jornal de Pediatria
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