To review the most important groups of drugs used to treat otorhinolaryngological disorders. Method: Review of the literature on the treatment of pediatric upper respiratory infections and allergy, using MEDLINE and LILACS. Results and comments: Pediatric otorhinolaryngological disorders are extremely frequent and usually acute. They are one of the major reasons for pediatric visits. The therapeutical management of these conditions accounts for many cases of overuse of drugs, especially antibiotics, antipyretic, and drugs of doubtful value, such as decongestants and expectorants. Judicious use, correct indication, and side effects of these drugs must be better known by physicians who deal with children's health.
MethodReview of the literature on the treatment of pediatric upper respiratory infections and allergy, using MEDLINE and LILACS. Results and comments: Pediatric otorhinolaryngological disorders are extremely frequent and usually acute. They are one of the major reasons for pediatric visits. The therapeutical management of these conditions accounts for many cases of overuse of drugs, especially antibiotics, antipyretic, and drugs of doubtful value, such as decongestants and expectorants. Judicious use, correct indication, and side effects of these drugs must be better known by physicians who deal with children's health.
Results and commentsPediatric otorhinolaryngological disorders are extremely frequent and usually acute. They are one of the major reasons for pediatric visits. The therapeutical management of these conditions accounts for many cases of overuse of drugs, especially antibiotics, antipyretic, and drugs of doubtful value, such as decongestants and expectorants. Judicious use, correct indication, and side effects of these drugs must be better known by physicians who deal with children's health.
Apresentar uma revisão sobre os medicamentos mais utilizados no tratamento das afecções otorrinolaringológicas.
MétodosRevisão da literatura sobre a terapêutica das infecções respiratórias agudas de vias aéreas superiores e rinite alérgica na criança, utilizando os dados do MEDLINE e LILACS.
Resultados e ComentáriosAs afecções otorrinolaringológicas na infância são freqüentes e, na maioria das vezes, agudas. São uma das principais queixas em consultas pediátricas. Na abordagem terapêutica dessas afecções, em inúmeras circunstâncias, observa-se um uso excessivo de remédios, especialmente antibióticos, antitérmicos/antiinflamatórios e fármacos de ação questionável, como descongestionantes e mucolíticos. O uso judicioso, a correta indicação e os efeitos colaterais desses fármacos devem ser do conhecimento dos médicos que abordam a saúde da criança.