This paper reports a study assessing risk factors for low birth weight (LBW), preterm and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in a sample of 936 mothers who delivered babies in the Canguçu Hospital, a rural area of southern Brazil. Traditional risk factors for delivering LBW, preterm and IUGR were examined. The relative importance of the risk factors was studied through risk calculation and logistic regression analysis. Some risk factors for LBW such as low maternal education and number of prenatal consultations were not associated with the risk of delivering babies in any of the three risk groups. Hospitalization during pregnancy and maternal age less than 20 years were confirmed as risk factors for LBW. In the preterm group, low maternal weight and hospitalization during pregnancy showed significant association after control for confounders. The results suggest that there are specific targets for intervention in each of the three groups, and some traditional risk factors must be redefined according to the characteristics of each population.
Informação da revista
Vol. 72. Núm. 06.
Páginas 369-373 (novembro - dezembro 1996)
Vol. 72. Núm. 06.
Páginas 369-373 (novembro - dezembro 1996)
DOI: 10.2223/JPED.645
Acesso de texto completo
Fatores de risco para baixo peso ao nascer em uma comunidade rural do sul do Brasil
Ricardo Halperna, Earl S. Schaeferb, Airton S. Pereirac, Ernesto M. Arntd, Jandira Pureza Valente Bezerrae, Loiva dos Santos Pintof
a Professor Adjunto de Pediatria - Fundação Faculdade Federal de Ciências Médicas de Porto Alegre.
b Emeritus Professor of Maternal and Child Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA.
c Médico Pediatra do Hospital de Caridade de Canguçu, Médico Plantonista no Serviço de Pediatria da Universidade Federal de Pelotas.
d Médico Clínico Geral do Hospital de Caridade de Canguçu/RS.
e Médica Obstetra do Hospital de Caridade de Canguçu/RS.
f Médica Pediatra do Hospital de Caridade de Canguçu/RS.
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