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Vol. 70. Núm. 02.
Páginas 95-99 (março - abril 1994)
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Vol. 70. Núm. 02.
Páginas 95-99 (março - abril 1994)
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Efeito dos sobrenadantes de culturas de amostras de Escherichia coli enteropatogênicas clássicas (EPEC) sobre o transporte transepitelial de sódio em mucosa jejunal de ratos submetidos a perfuração intestinal
Olga M.S. Amancioa, Fernando Fernandesb, Luis R. Trabulsic, Ulysses Fagundes Netod
a Profesora Adjunta Doutora Chefe do Laboratório de Pesquisas do Departamento de Pediatria da EPM.
b Doutor em medicina pela disciplina de gastroenterologia do Departamento de Pediatria da EPM.
c Professor titular da disciplina de Microbiologia da EPM.
d Disciplina de Gastroenterologia Pediátrica, Departamento de Pediatria, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Escola Paulista de Medicina.
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We studied the effect of the supernatants of 2 to 5 samples of one of the following serotypes of EPC: 026:H, 086:H34, 0111:H-, 0119:H6, 0126:H21, 0128ab:H35 and 0142:H-, isolated from the stools of infants with gastroenterities. We also studied 3 samples of the serotype 0157:HNT, that produces the Shiga-like toxin. The following control solutions were selected 1-SC1 (glucose-saline solution); 2-SC2 (TSB broth culture solution); 3-SC3 (E.coli K12 711 culture supernatant, a non enterotoxigenic serotype). These solutions were perfused in the small intestine of rats -in vivo- and sodium transport was determined. The comparison among the 3 control solutions revealed that there was always sodium absorption, but there was a difference in the intensity of the transport (SC1 >SC2 and SC3). The serotypes 0111:H-, 026:H-, 0126:H21, and 0142:H2, as well as the serotype 0157:HNT, induced sodium secretion and these values were significantly different in camparison with the 3 control solutions. On the other hand, the serotypes 0128ab:H35 and 0119:H6 induced sodium secretion but the differences were only significant in comparison with the SC1 and SC2, and SC1, respectively. The supernatants of the serotypes invetigated provoked an important deragement in sodium transport probably due to the presence of an enterotoxin.

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