Informação da revista
Vol. 72. Núm. 05.
Páginas 319-323 (setembro - outubro 1996)
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Vol. 72. Núm. 05.
Páginas 319-323 (setembro - outubro 1996)
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Atendimento ambulatorial informatizado de adolescentes - A experiência do PAIA/ABEB
Heloisa H.S.M Andradea, Cláudia M. Marquesb, Mariângela C. Gouveiac, &Ÿuml;ara M. Gregóriod
a Pediatra e Coordenadora Geral do PAIA/ABEB.
b Psicóloga.
c Assistente social.
d Enfermeira.
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Informação do artigo

PAIA (Program for Adolescent Integral Assistance from ABEB) is one of the preventive medicine programs of the Employee Beneficent Association at Belgo Mineira Metallurgy Company. Since its implementation, in February 1992, it has been offering specific medical assistance and educational instruction to adolescents from 11 to 18 years old through informative group dynamics. Age and maturity level are the guidelines for group formation. The groups are supervised by a multidisciplinary team and the methodology is playful and participatory. The themes approached in the meetings are chosen according to the adolescents' interest and maturity. After two years, the program was completely computerized aiming at improving the quality of assistance and accelerating services. PAIA/ABEB Program has surpassed all expectations concerning adolescents' and parents' interest and participation and the adolescents have become extra sources of information about the program and health education in their community. Behavioral changes like more concern about health care and more search for dialogue with meaningful adults have been observed. The observations and research carried out with adolescents have become a guideline for the preventive medicine campaigns at the firms belonging to Belgo Mineira Group. Indeed, differentiated medical assistance and global approach towards adolescence have been created in the clinic centers.

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Jornal de Pediatria
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