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Vol. 73. Issue 01.
Pages 21-25 (January - February 1997)
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Vol. 73. Issue 01.
Pages 21-25 (January - February 1997)
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Pesquisa de cistos de protozoários, larvas e ovos de helmintos em chupetas
Reginaldo S. Pedrosoa
a Bolsista do Programa Especial de Treinamento (PET/CAPES), acadêmico do Curso de Farmácia-Bioquímica da Escola de Farmácia e Odontologia de Alfenas.
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Due to the high prevalence of enteroparasitoses among Brazilian children and the possible involvement of objects in carrying these diseases, a study was conducted to investigate the presence of protozoan cysts, larvae and helminth eggs in pacifiers.


Over the period of March to December of 1993, 86 pacifiers of zero to seven-year-old children resident in Vila Promessa, a suburb in Alfenas, MG, were examined. The investigation of cysts, larvae and eggs was made by the microscopic exam of the sediment obtained from centrifuging the liquid resulting from washing the pacifiers. The results were evaluated by employing the percentile analysis. Along with the examination of the pacifiers, an interview was carried out with the people responsible for the children whose pacifiers were examined, aiming at detecting how much was known about the transmission of intestinal parasitoses and the proper hygiene of pacifiers.


Among the 86 pacifiers examined, 10 were found to be contaminated (11.63%) and presenting eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides, Enterobius vermicularis, Trichuris trichiura, Taenia sp and Ancylostomatidae larvae.


Pacifiers were found to be an important means of transmitting intestinal parasites in the age range studied what makes it a need to set a proper and persistent sanitary policy in fighting intestinal parasitoses.


Devido à alta prevalência das enteroparasitoses entre crianças no Brasil e do possível envolvimento de objetos na transmissão dessas doenças, foi desenvolvido um estudo para pesquisar a presença de cistos de protozoários, larvas e ovos de helmintos em chupetas.


No período de março a dezembro de 1993, foram examinadas 86 chupetas de crianças na faixa etária de zero a sete anos, residentes no bairro Vila Promessa, município de Alfenas, MG. A pesquisa de cistos, larvas e ovos foi realizada através do exame microscópico do sedimento obtido da centrifugação do líquido resultante da lavagem das chupetas. Os resultados obtidos foram avaliados empregando-se a análise percentual. Paralelamente aos exames, foram realizadas entrevistas com os responsáveis pela criança, cuja chupeta foi examinada, visando à detecção de conhecimentos sobre a transmissão das parasitoses intestinais e os cuidados com as chupetas.


Dentre as 86 chupetas examinadas, 10 estavam contaminadas (11,63%) e nelas foram encontrados ovos de Ascaris lumbricoides, Enterobius vermicularis, Trichuris trichiura, Taenia sp e larvas de Ancylostomatidae.

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