Lymphangioma is a common pathology in children, however intra-abdominal cystic lymphangioma is rare. Morphology and clinical symptoms are variable and can be mixed up with other ethiology. Ultrasound can make the diagnosis in the majority of the cases. Surgery is the best choice of treatment and prognosis is in general good. Authors present eight cases in a period of fifteen years, all of them treated surgically. Results were good in seven cases. One late death was observed.
Journal Information
Vol. 72. Issue 05.
Pages 335-340 (September - October 1996)
Vol. 72. Issue 05.
Pages 335-340 (September - October 1996)
DOI: 10.2223/JPED.638
Full text access
Linfangioma abdominal na criança: apresentação de oito casos
Paulo Roberto Boechata, Antonio R. R. Nogueirab, José A. Goraibc, Sergio Muniz de Britod, Euro C. Leale, Ruy Carlos Souto da Silvaf, Márcia Cristina Bastos Boechatg, Heloisa Outanih
a Cirurgião Pediátrico do Insituto Fernandes Figueira, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro.
b Cirurgião Pediátrico do Insituto Fernandes Figueira, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro.
c Professor Assistente de Cirurgia Pediátrica no Instituto Fernandes Figueira (RJ), Pós-graduando em Cirurgia na UNIFESP.
d Cirurgião Pediátrico do Insituto Fernandes Figueira, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro.
e Cirurgião Pediátrico do Insituto Fernandes Figueira, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro.
f Médico-Residente de Cirurgia Pediátrica do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro.
g Radiologista Pediátrica do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro.
h Patologista do Instituto Fernandes Figueira, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro.
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