The effects of a gestational exposure of 80 rats Wistar EPM- 1 to nicotine and undernutrition was examined. The weight and hystological alterations on the liver and lungs was evaluated on the rats and their offspring. A significantly lower weight gain, including liver and lung weight, was observed in nicotinized groups. There was no alterations on the placental weight. Decidual necrosis and hepatic congestion was frequent in the rats. Lung emphysema was found in the neonates.
Journal Information
Vol. 71. Issue 03.
Pages 145-150 (May - June 1995)
Vol. 71. Issue 03.
Pages 145-150 (May - June 1995)
DOI: 10.2223/JPED.744
Full text access
Alterações de peso tecidual e histológicas em ratas gestantes submetidas à desnutrição e ao estresse crônico de nicotina, e em seus recém-nascidos
a Professor Adjunto. Chefe da Disciplina e do Serviço de Neonatologia e UTI Neonatal do Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro (HUAP/UFF).
b Professor Titular da Disciplina de Pediatria Neonatal da EPM.
c Profesora Adjunta Doutora Chefe do Laboratório de Pesquisas do Departamento de Pediatria da EPM.
d Professora Adjunta Doutora Chefe do Serviço de Anatomia Patológica do Departamento de Pediatria da EPM.
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