This is a case report of a three-year-old girl with recurrent ear bleeding which was actually recurrent factitious symptomatology, perpetrated by the mother, which caused the child to undergo many harmful diagnostic procedures. This is a documented case, probably the first case reported in Latin America, and it is also the only one in which there is mention of the mother demonstrating interest in divulging the case. Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP) is a specific modality of child abuse. The mother, often the perpretator, affect concern and affection. The consequences are both psychological and physical and can determine child's death. Diagnosis is rarely considered.
Informação da revista
Vol. 72. Núm. 01.
Páginas 35-39 (janeiro - fevereiro 1996)
Vol. 72. Núm. 01.
Páginas 35-39 (janeiro - fevereiro 1996)
DOI: 10.2223/JPED.599
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Síndrome de Munchausen por procuração: o caso da menina que sangrava pelo ouvido
Zelik Trajbera, Jayme Murahovschib, Sergio Candioc, Roberto Curyd, Claudia Gomidee, Eduardo Kleinf, Valdemir Tofolog
a Pediatras do Serviço Paulista de Pediatria (Hospital 9 de Julho).
b Diretor Clínico do Serviço Paulista de Pediatria e Professor Titular de Pediatria da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Santos.
c Pediatra do Serviço Paulista de Pediatria (Hospital 9 de Julho).
d Pediatra do Serviço Paulista de Pediatria (Hospital 9 de Julho).
e Pediatra do Serviço Paulista de Pediatria (Hospital 9 de Julho).
f Otorrinolaringologista.
g Psiquiatra.
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