Evaluate the prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in very low birthweight infants (birthweight < 1500 g).
MethodA prospective examination was conducted on 102 neonates with very low birthweight admitted to the BAM-HC (FMUSP) between 01/01/92 and 12/31/93. The mapping of the retina with escleral depression was first conducted between 3rd and the 8th weeks of life, and it was repeated every 1 to 4 weeks until the vascularization of the retina was complete or the ROP was present. To classify the ROP the International Classification of ROP was used. For the purposes of statistical analysis, the most serious phase of ROP presented by the neonate was considered.
ResultsIn this study retinopathy of prematurity was present in 29.09% of the neonates, in 78.5% of those under 1,000g of birthweight, and 72.73% of those with less than 30 weeks of gestational age. Among the newborns with ROP, 77.05% were in phase 1, 13.11% in phase 2, and 9.84% in phase 3. Oxygen in mechanical ventilation and -CPAP- were statistically significant factors for the development the ROP.
ConclusionThe ophthalmologic examination between the 3rd and 4th weeks of life was an important instrument for the detection of RP and should be done in all very low birth weight infants (weight < 1,500g), specially in neonates with less than 1,250g and/or gestational age under 34 weeks.
determinar a prevalência da retinopatia da prematuridade (RP) em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso (RN-MBP) (P<1500g).
MétodosForam examinados prospectivamente 102 RN-MBP admitidos no BA M-HC (FMUSP), nascidos no período de 01 de janeiro de 1992 a 31 de dezembro de 1993.O mapeamento de retina, com depressão escleral, foi realizado inicialmente entre 3 e 8 semanas de vida pós-natal e repetido a cada 1 a 4 semanas, até que a vascularização da retina se completasse ou a RP se estabelecesse. Para a classificação da RP, foram utilizados os critérios da -International Classification of ROP-, e, para análise estatística, considerou-se a retinopatia mais grave que o RN apresentou na sua evolução.
ResultadosNesta casuística, verificou-se RP em 29,90% dos casos,em 78,5% dos RN com peso inferior a 1.000g. e em 72,73% dos RN com idade gestacional inferior a 30 semanas. Entre os RN com RP, encontravam-se 77,05% na fase 1, 13,11% na fase 2 e 9,84% dos casos na fase 3. A oferta de oxigênio na forma de ventilação mecânica e CPAP se mostraram fatores estatísticamente significativos para o desenvolvimento de RP.
ConclusõesO exame oftalmológico, realizado entre 3 e 8 semanas de vida, mostrou ser um instrumento importante na detecção da RP em todo o RN-MBP (<1.500g), em especial nos com peso ao nascer inferior a 1.250g e / ou idade gestacional inferior a 34 semanas.